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Mon 11am-9pm | Tues-Thurs 11:00am-10pm | Fri-Sat 11am-11pm | Sunday 11am-9pm (727) 623-9823

Barley Mow Brewing


Happy Tuesday URBAN fans! How’s your TBBW coming along? Quit nicely I hope! We had a killer weekend and you guys sure did drink through some beers! Don’t stop! We only have a few more days of TBBW left!

Today we are featuring our friends over at Barley Mow Brewing Company in Largo. They are a wonderful group of people and they make some SOLID brews at that. At Barley Mow’s tap room they have 14 consistently rotating taps with some amazing live entertainment as well. They have a 2 BBL system in the tavern which is pretty awesome, along with a 30 BBL Brewhouse with a 3000 BBL Fermentation capacity all in their 25,000 square foot brewery. WHAT?! If you haven’t been to their location yet, this is simply a must!

Today we are tapping a special Double IPA of theirs called “Abattoir” which in french, it stands for “Slaughterhouse” YIKES. Come and celebrate your Tuesday Tampa Bay Beer Week with us! Cheers!

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